Thursday, September 24, 2009

(late again) Friday feature - Vusova

I swear I had this post all typed up and ready to go so I could set it to update while I was visiting my family in Michigan, but I screwed up the HTML, and ruined everything, lol.

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

All images © Vusova

Saturday, September 19, 2009

(Late) Friday feature - TotusMel

We spent most of yesterday driving to meet someone, finding out they weren't there, driving to see some other people, hanging out a bit, then getting stuck in traffic and getting home late. So I forgot about the friday feature until this morning, so sorry it's late XD

Until recently I had absolutely no idea that needle tatting even existed, which is kinda weird because I'm a crafty sort of person.

I recently stumbled upon TotusMel's Etsy a little while back, and I was blown away by her intricately detailed needle tatting. It's actually inspired me to try to take up needle tatting myself, I have the right thread and I ordered a set of needles on ebay the other night, I can't wait for them to get here XP

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

All images © TotusMel

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Feature - Tara Kemp

Starting today, every Friday I will feature an artist who's work I enjoy, this week's feature is Tara Kemp :)

Her botanical illustrations are lush and beautiful, and her use of color is wonderful, check out her Etsy below.

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

All images © Tara Kemp

Monday, September 7, 2009

Art Progress!

John and Heather (boyfriend's brother and his wife) came over and took some of the stuff out of the house, they took the dresser that was in front of my work area over to Amy's (Amy is Ben's sister) so I actually have space to paint and draw now, whooooo! It's still messy, but at least I can sit at the table instead of trying to work on the couch.

Finished the lineart for Allytha's painting, and I finished one of the dragon bookmarks:

The dragon bookmark is for sale here:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dragoness ACEO

Started as a sketch last night while watching Dirty Work with my boyfriend, touched up a bit this morning while watching PeeWee's Playhouse (also with my boyfriend) lol. Couple hours total, she's for sale here:

She looks much nicer in real life, the scanner killed the crispness of the details.